In honor of Mother's Day, I would like to deviate from our endtime focus and share with you an excerpt about women from my book,"Nothing But The Blood--How Christ's Passion Reversd the Curses of Sin."
When God decided to create a helpmate for man, Adam, He did not form her from the dust of the ground as He had done in creating man. He brought her forth from something already created and living, man. When God created Adam, man, He created him both male and female. “So God Created man (singular) in his own image, in the image of God created he him; (singular) male and female created he them. (plural)” (Gen. 1:27, emphasis added) “Male and female created he them; (plural) and blessed them, (plural) and called their (plural) name Adam, (singular, man) in the day when they (plural) were created.” (Gen. 5:2, emphasis added) Eve was already created in Adam; she just had not been “birthed” yet. God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and He then performed a cesarean section on him and woman, Eve, was “birthed.” (Gen. 2:21-25) From the side of the first Adam God “birthed” woman and brought into being that which would allow Him to have a people that He could have a Father-child relationship with.
When Adam “birthed” Eve she was to be a helpmate to him. Just what is a “helpmate” or “helpmeet?” Its definition is simply a helper or partner. But help to do what or partner to what? Man was destined by God to “…be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:…” (Gen. 1:28) In order for man to multiply he needed a partner, a helper. This was one task he could not do alone, thus came Eve “…the mother of all living…” (Gen. 3:20), to make him complete for the task of multiplying and filling the earth. But man was also to have dominion “…over every living thing that moveth upon the earth…” (Gen. 1:28, emphasis added). Man was to take the lead in all things, especially in maintaining the Father-child relationship with Jehovah.
Man was created to follow God. He was to be the spiritual leader of the family, the high priest of his home. He brings strength, security, supply and spiritual relationship to the family. His helpmate brings emotion, balance and guidance to the family. Women have the most important and privileged position on earth. They are “helpmates.” How many of you know that woman can make man do just about anything. Ask Sampson about his Delilah or King Ahab about his Jezebel or John the Baptist about the daughter of Herodias. Though man has dominion, woman can so easily conquer him. God has given woman this ability to guide man. She can either use it for good or for evil. She is the rudder on the ship called man. She can steer him toward a Father-child relationship with Jehovah or she can steer him away from God for her own selfish desires. The old quote “Behind every successful man is a good woman,” is oh so true. Who do most young boys turn to when they have a question about life – mom. Why? Because she guides, encourages and steers him toward high and lofty goals.
So a helpmate is one who steers her husband and family towards God. She encourages them to be in such a close relationship with God that He can use them for what He purposed for their lives before the foundation of the earth. A godly woman can be so mightily used of God to mold godly character, to instruct, to guide, to encourage her mate to reach all his potential for God. When a woman is in her rightful place of helpmate, she will receive a mate who will love her “as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” (Eph. 5:25) When a man is in a right relationship with God, his wife receives a husband who will lay down his life, his self will and desires in order to show her the Father’s unconditional love. She has a mate that she can trust and know that he will always be faithful to her because of his love for God. This meets the most common needs of a woman; i.e., security, a feeling of safety, confidence in who she is and in her relationship with her husband. When a wife is supporting and encouraging (not nagging) her husband in his walk with God, their life together will be long, loving, peaceful and will produce a family after God’s heart.
This was God’s intention for woman, not a subservient position, but a partnership to make one complete person following God’s plan for their lives. A husband and wife in love with and flowing in their godly roles will cause the devils to tremble. When mom and dad are in unity, there will be unity in the home. This is one of the worst enemies Satan has – a unified body of believers. This is why Satan has attacked women so violently. He wants them independent, have no need of man, use their God-given powers to manipulate man towards evil. If you don’t believe this, all you have to do is watch anything on television and you’ll see the appeal to one of man’s strongest appetites – sex. Satan is devouring our men, including our ministers and other Christian leaders, through the manipulating power of a sensual woman. It’s time for men to rise up and become the warriors God intended them to be. They should fight for their wives, not fight with them. Men should be so in love with God and His word that there is no weapon that the enemy can form against him that will prosper.
God had originally planned for man and woman to be one in every area of life, especially in their Father-child relationship with Jehovah. Eve was to help Adam be all that God wanted him to be. Together they were to be fruitful and multiply. They were to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. They were to fill the earth with their seed being in relationship with Jehovah. But the first Adam failed when his helpmate steered him in the wrong direction, that being disobedience to the Father.
But now we have the second Adam, Jesus, who has finished the blood sacrifice making a way for a new, pure, helpmate to be “birthed.” One made in the image of God Jehovah -- pure, holy, glorious without spot or wrinkle or blemish or any such thing. One who would be a helpmate to her mate the second Adam, Jesus. One who would be fruitful and multiply His seed and replenish the earth with His offspring. Jesus had a cesarean section and the womb of His heart opened up and spilled out the birth fluids of blood and water and He “birthed” a bride, a church. One that was just like Himself, bone of His bones, flesh of His flesh, spirit of His Spirit, one unified body born perfect. One can see this in Ephesians 5:25-27.
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” (Emphasis added) Here Paul commands the husbands to love their wives, just as Jesus loves His wife, His bride, the church. He died to give birth to her. He sanctified her, set her apart to be His, to bring forth His seed, to fill the earth with His children. He keeps her holy, pure and clean, undefiled by this sinful world by His living word and Spirit so that when the Bridegroom comes to receive His bride, the church, she will be glorious, without spot, or wrinkle or any such thing, holy without blemish.
He did not birth a harlot. One who goes whoring after her lovers of worldliness. One who would be an adulteress and cheat on him. One who would only love Him when she can see Him. One who would only love Him for His wealth. One who would love Him only in the good times. One who would love Him only for the goose bumps He makes her feel at times. One who would love Him only for His gifts or abilities to do miracles. One Who Loves Him Period! No Questions Asked! Unconditionally! His Forever No Matter What!!!
His blood sacrifice made the way for her birth, and He sealed her with the water of the Holy Spirit. “…after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise."” (Eph. 1:13) He put His engagement ring of the Holy Spirit on her, His mark of ownership. Is it any wonder that the church is admonished to “…be filled with the Spirit.” (Eph. 5:18b) It’s His seal of ownership. We belong to a Holy King. He has gone to prepare a place for us; and He is coming back for His beautiful, holy, pure, undefiled, unblemished and spot-free bride to take her to the place He has prepared. There to ever be with her Holy Husband. (John 14:1-3) By Him giving the Holy Spirit is proof that the atonement for sin was complete, that a bride had been “birthed,” and that He is coming back for her soon.
I want to wish all of our mothers a very happy and blessed Mothers Day!! Remember, you have the great task of keeping us men on a highway called holy. WOMEN--YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!
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