Friday, May 14, 2010

Why doesn't God use me?

Have you ever asked yourself the question,"Why doesn't God use me?" Do you feel that you are destined to be used of God? If so, why aren't you being used? I admonish you to ask yourself another question, "Is there anything in my life that is defiling me?" I was asking God why He isn't using me on the level that He called me to and I heard that voice within tell me that I was defiled. It was as if God spoke into my heart,"I cannot use you until that which defiles you is removed." To say the least this surprised me. I thought everything between me and God was right on. His Holy Spirit then began to reveal to me the things that are defiling me. Needless to say I had some serious repenting to do which lead to a sense of freedom that I have not felt for a long time. In fact God has been using me since this prayer time to speak into other people's lives and to minister to people at a new level.

If you have been called to minister at any level, from cleaning the church, to counseling, to teaching, to preaching to thousands, and yet it seems that you simply can not obtain the call on your life, you may be defiled; if so rest assured,"...Your sin will find you out."(Num.32:23) Jesus put it this way,"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light."(Luke 8:17) Our secrets, our defilements, will be made known. Over the last few decades God has been using the media and other means to expose the defilement in the pulpits of America. Judgement has begun in the house of God.(I Peter 4:17)

I know that we are in the last of the last days. The true believers will be blamed for most of the world's problems and will be treated as criminals. As such we will be under constant surveillance. What we watch on T.V. is already being monitored to rate shows. Our computer use is monitored. This is how they catch child porn users. If we have any defilements it will be made known to discredit us. In this,the end times, God is looking for a people who are seeking Him, His kingdom, His righteousness; not defiling themselves; pure and holy; above reproach. God will no longer entrust His ministry to those who are defiled. He is ready for harvest! The defiled can not be used for harvest because the "whosoever will" that God wants to save are looking for the Truth--Jesus. The Jesus that changes lives. If we are defiled, they will not see the Jesus they need. Our defilements destroy our ministry, our testimony, and the witness we had to the "whosoever will" who has been listening to and watching us.

As God was revealing my defilements, He showed me just how we get defiled. He gave me Psalm 101:2-4. He had me focus on verse three, "I will set nothing wicked before my eyes." David, a man after God's heart, set before his eyes a young woman bathing; he began to lust for her which led to adultry, murder and the death of a child. Samson set before his eyes Delilah and lost his ability to be used of God. Herod set before his eyes the daughter of Herodias and it caused him to behead John the Baptist. Just what do we set before our eyes that defiles us? God showed me four areas that Satan uses to defile us thus rendering us unsuitable for God's use.

The first of these is television. What do we watch in the hidden place of our homes? If we watch programs that show violence, this defiles us. We may have outbursts of anger. We may develop a get-even mentality. If we set before us programs that use profanity, this defiles us. In the heat of the moment we too may use profanity because our minds have absorbed this and it will express itself through us. This destroys our witness to the "whosoever will." If we set before us programs containing sex and seduction, this defiles us. This produces lust, an improper attitude toward sex, a means to manipulate the opposite sex, an attitude that says our spouses do not measure up; and it encourages multiple partners. Remember our T.V. program selection is being monitored and can be used to expose our sins that will destroy our witness.

The second means that Satan uses to defile us is our misuse of our computers. What do we click on? Porn? This defiles us. Our computer activity is also monitored. If we are viewing anything that defiles it will be revealed.

The third thing used by Satan to defile us are movies. What movies do we set before us that defiles us? It ceases to amaze me how professing christians can come up with so many lame reasons that it is okay to go to movies that show nudity, sex, violence and use profanity, especially God's name in vain, while all along they are being desensitized to accept the world's ways. They pay big bucks to Hollywood so they can keep on producing more defilement. Most will say ,"I am free to do whatever as long as it does not convict me." For those of this ill-informed mindset may I suggest that you read I Cor.8:3-13. This pertains to more than our eating meats, it applies to every aspect of our lives. "But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak."(vs.9) Remember we are being watched by non-believers, new converts (the weak), christians (who will lose confidence in our ability to lead), and Big Brother who will use everything they can to destroy our witness.

The fourth, but I'm sure not the last, thing that Satan sets before us that defiles us is our thoughts. What do we meditate on? If our thoughts are not pure, then they will defile us. If we are envious, jealous, covetous, lusting, etc. in our minds --we are defiled.

"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure: But even their mind and conscience are DEFILED, they profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and DISQUALIFIED FOR EVERY GOOD WORK."(Titus 1:15,16)When we set wicked things before our eyes, we become defiled and disqualified to be used by God. The Message Bible states,"They say they know God, but their actions speak louder than their words." What are your actions (your language,what you watch on T.V., movies and on the computer) saying to those around you and more importantly to God?

We are the end-time church. We will suffer persecution. We will be followed and monitored. God is looking for laborers for the harvest. But He cannot and will not use the defiled. Are you still asking,"Why doesn't God use me?" Are you called out, gifted, talented, annointed, destined, yet there you sit? Be sure of this, "your sin will find you out," "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." The very reason that you may not be where God wants to use you may be because you are defiling yourself, rendering yourself unusable.You may think that it is all hidden thus not hurting anyone but God sees and He will expose the defilements for all to see. Nothing in secret will stay hidden.

What can you do to make yourself usable? Start by repenting for allowing the enemy of your soul to set before you that which is considered wicked in God's sight.Pray Psalm 139:23,24, and be sincere. Then follow Paul's advice in Romans 12:1,2, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Make up your mind that you "will set nothing wicked before my (your) eyes."

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