Before getting into our study for this week I feel compelled to admonish you to get your finances in order. Our economy is about to implode and only those who have prepared will survive the fallout from the economic storm that is coming.
Now, on to our study of the seven churches of the Book of Revelation. The next example of the end-time church is the church at Pergamos, the compromising church (Rev.2:12-17). This church was surrounded by sin and the powers of darkness. There were temples erected there to honor Zeus, Athena, Dionysas, and Asklepios (the god of healing, called the god of Pergamos). The liberal and laxidaical beliefs of the Nicolaitans flourished there as well. The place was so full of paganism and idol worship that Jesus calls it the place where Satan's throne was and where Satan himself dwelled. Any place where Satan dwells, where sin abounds, where idol worship flourishes, is Satan's throne where he is king.
Does this not describe the world setting in which today's church is existing? The church (the body of Christ) is surrounded by sin and the powers of darkness. Just as it was in the days of Noah so it is in these last days. Violence, evil, wickedness and sin abound worldwide. No place is immune. Mankind, as a whole, has become worshippers of idols. We worship sports, leisure, recreation, pleasure, success, etc., etc.(II Tim.3:1-5). Some have made idols out of their churches, denominations, and even their ministers. We erect temples that glorify man's achievements and programs and call them christian churches. We have in the midst of most churches those who are liberal and laxidaical when it comes to moral issues (Nicolaitans). Truly the church at Pergamos is a picture of the end-time church of today.
Jesus seems to be upset by the fact that the church allowed people to serve in it while they held to the doctrine of Balaam. This was a people, though believing upon Jesus as the Christ, still wanted the things of the world. (To better understand who Balaam was and his "doctrine", read Numbers chapters 22,24,and 31). Being like Balaam means you want to serve God yet you want the pleasures and successes of the world around you. Balaam was influenced by his surroundings. He wanted the honor, fame, wealth and power that had been offered to him. Yet, he feared God. So he devised a plan whereby he could obey God by blessing Israel and yet receive what Balak offered him if he would have cursed Israel. Balak was simply afraid of Israel and wanted them cursed so he and his kingdom would not be destroyed. Balaam, while blessing Israel, gave Balak a plan that would result in God's anger being stirred up against Israel, which would ultimately bring them into subjection to Balak, thus sparing him and his kingdom.
So the doctrine of Balaam is where a preacher or minister in the church attempts to promote the cause of God by using an unholy partnership with the ungodly and the worldly, thus producing in the church a lifestyle of the world through the pleasing of the flesh. It's using worldly means to accomplish godly results. This would be like a church that is built upon the marketing and business plans of the world. It may be large and prosperous but is it holy? Some churches use the world's music, dress, language and Hollywood approach to influence their communities in order to attract them to their churches. This is the doctrine of Balaam. Mingling the world with the church. While society is doing all it can to separate the church from the state, it seems the church is doing all it can to marry the church to the state or, to say, the world. The church seems willing to compromise in the areas of holiness, righteousness and doctrinal purity in order to be people friendly. The message in today's modern church seems to be, "Whatever you deem right for you, do it. After all who am I to tell you that you are wrong or, worse still, committing sin?" This is the mindset of the doctrine of Balaam. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can go to heaven without giving up the world and the lust of the flesh. This the Pergamos end-time church.
Because the church at Pergamos did not take a strong stand against loose morals in the church, worldliness, idolatry and fornication were abundant in the church. There were no restraints to prevent a person from doing their own thing, in or out of the church. Jesus is announcing to this church that He hates anything that allows men to be taught to do their own thing which is what a compromising church does whether directly or indirectly. Jesus knew that when worldly things are allowed in the church they tend to rub off on the saints. Have you ever considered that when a person takes a good shower and puts on brand new clothes then goes outside and rolls in the mud, the mud does not become clean. Just the opposite occurs, the clean person becomes dirty. So it is with the church. It can be full of clean saints but when the mud of worldliness is allowed in, and embraced, the clean becomes defiled (I Cor.5:5-7). This desensitizes the church or dulls its sin conscience. We soon learn to live with sin instead of rebuking it because we are taught not to offend anyone.
The sin found in Pergamos, the end-time church, is that of allowing human understanding and feelings to dictate the standards of the church instead of the Word of God. The Word of God is the plumb line by which everything is to be measured, especially in the church. To this church Jesus says, Turn right now!! I'm coming soon to judge you. I will fight against those who uphold or tolerate the doctrine of humanism in My church that I died for."
The church today, for the most part, is living out the conditions found in the churches of Pergamos. By this we can realize that we truly are in the last of the last days. But the true church will be purged and cleansed from her whoredoms with this world by the Word of God. We shall see a return to purity and boldness to not only declare the absolute truth of God's Word, but also to live it. The churches finest hour is quickly approaching!!!
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