Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Joseph's Seven Years

While I was preaching a message about Joseph and his dreams, God spoke revelation knowledge into my spirit and I shared it with our congregation. God showed me that as it was with Pharaoh’s dreams of the seven fat cows and seven skinny cows, the seven good heads of grain and seven lean heads of grain, so it would be in the very last days. We know that the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams by Joseph lead to the salvation of Egypt as well as Jacob (Israel) from drought and famine. God told Pharaoh, through Joseph’s interpretation, that there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine or leanness. The first seven years were given that they should make ready for the seven lean years by storing up the grain that would sustain them through the lean years.

God showed me that this event from the life of Joseph was given as an example for the end-time church. Like Joseph, the church was destined for greatness. But just as Joseph was cast into a pit, sold into slavery and even imprisoned, so goes the church. When Jesus birthed the church on the cross, she was destined for greatness, but she too was cast into the pit, the slavery and the prison of religion. Instead of following the simplicity of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, man began to add to and take away from the original intent of the word. We divided and called ourselves denominations. We split over misunderstandings of scripture. The church was never called to divide and subtract, as is the case today, but to be fruitful and to multiply, as well as to be added to daily. But God is going to use the pitfalls of the church to position it for its finest hour just as Joseph was brought into his finest hour by his pitfalls.

The true church is going to grow weary and even nauseated by the condition in which she finds herself. She is going to begin to cry out for truth and will no longer be content with the ear-tickling messages of the people-friendly pulpits. Programs will no longer pacify the saint of God. There will be a longing in the heart of the saint to be in a deep, loving relationship with God the Father. There will be a willingness to do whatever is necessary to draw in close to God. Denominational brand names will be meaningless. Being the groupie of certain preachers will lose its luster. Names, reputation and the opinions of others will no longer concern the saint. There will be a great hunger and thirst for the kingdom of God and His righteousness. There will be a genuine revival start that will have no end until the end. The last and greatest awakening will take place. We shall see seven years of plenty.

As with Joseph’s story, the church shall experience seven years of revival, awakening, outpourin of the Holy Spirit, revelation knowledge, holy visitation, dreams, visions, signs, miracles and wonders following the proclamation of the Word. The church will grow spiritually fat. She shall be given equipping centers from which the well-equipped saints shall be sent out to accomplish the great commission. Missionary teams will be sent around the world. Evangelistic teams will go into the highways and byways to compel whosoever will to come to Christ. Pioneers will go forth to establish new equipping centers. The wealth of the wicked has been stored up for the righteous and we shall possess it. We shall cloth the naked, feed the hungry, care for the widow and orphaned. Revelation knowledge will be poured out through the five-fold ministers to equip the saints for the coming seven years of leanness, or to say, the seven years of the Tribulation. The church will be equipped to make disciples not just converts. We will see the harvest of souls during the seven years of fatness and especially during the seven years of leanness at a magnitude that has never been witnessed before in the history of mankind. The church will rise from the ash heap of cold, dead religion to do great exploits as Daniel chapter eleven verse thirty-two says about the tribulation church. The church will enter the Great Tribulation well equipped to endure to the end, doing great exploits.

May God richly bless you as you go forth in His name to equip the saints and gather the harvest.

1 comment:

  1. We are called to be a "peculiar people" and "set apart". The church cannot accomplish it's mission by offering the same as the world with just a change of scenery. Christ was able to go to the sinners without changing his message or who He was. The world is hungry for something different, they're just not getting it with what they see in the church today. I pray that our years of plenty are beginning and the church is realizing that all we need is to be that peculiar set apart people.


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