Friday, March 26, 2010

Received by B. L. James This word was given to me on June 8, 1991, at 4:10 in the morning. I had been in a season of prayer and fasting for several days when it came. I was awakened by a voice saying awake, wake up, wake up, wake up! I tried to return to sleep but again the voice said wake up, wake up, wake up! I went to the table, got out my pad and pen and said, “Okay Lord, if this is you speak to me what you want me to hear and I will write it down.” I began to write and when I was finished I realized the God had given me a word for the church.

“Wake up Church”

Wake up church! Wake up! Wake up! Church of the Living God awaken! Wake up! Wake up!

You have been asleep in your traditions; in your comfortable doctrines; in your beds of self-righteousness while all the time the devil, as a roaring lion, has been roaming around devouring, killing, destroying, possessing and controlling whomever he desires – practically unopposed.

Church, where were you when the courts decided to legalize the murder of My infants? Where were you when I was removed from your schools and the education of My children? Where were you when the homosexuals came out of their closets and began to devour My young men? Where were you when the false religion of humanism began to seep into My people? Where were you when the New Age doctrine began to devour My world? Asleep – asleep – asleep!!!

You are asleep at my altars! You are asleep in my sanctuary! You are asleep in My Word! You’re asleep – you’re asleep! Awaken church of the Living God! Arise! “Trim your lamps.” Remove everything that is not holy from your lives (My temples), My sanctuary and My world.

Come unto me with a godly sorrow. Repent! Repent! Repent! I, your God, call My people to repentance. You call a world of sin to repentance without offering them a place to turn to that is different from where they are. “Remove the beam out of thine own eye.” Remove the sins of complacency, luke-warmness, self-righteousness, worldliness, humanism and spiritual laziness from your lives (My temples), My sanctuary, and My world. These things cannot enter My kingdom.

You pray “Thy kingdom come,” yet I cannot build My kingdom upon the foundation that you are laying. Repent! Repent! Repent! Lay a foundation not made by hand. One where Jesus is the chief cornerstone. One that My apostles and prophets have laid (and are laying). “Not by might, nor by power (human effort), but by My Spirit,” is how My kingdom shall be built.

Sound the alarm! “The Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.” Make ready the Church of the Living God! Repent! Repent! Repent! Come unto Me with a godly sorrow.

The blood of many cry out to Me, “Where was Your church? Where was Your body? Where were Your people? Where was Your power? I needed to see the ‘Real Thing.’ Many professed to know You but none reflected Your holiness, Your power, Your love, Your presence.”

The world is dying and going to hell. “Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people.” Who will say as Isaiah, “Here am I; send me,” when I ask, “Whom shall I send?” “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” You must repent! The flesh (self will) must be crucified daily. Take up your cross (My purpose and plan) daily. Come after Me with the whole heart. Hold back nothing from Me and I’ll hold nothing back from you. “ You’ll lack no good thing.”

I soon will return, but first you must awaken and make yourself ready, Church of the Living God. I do not come for a half dressed, drowsy, lazy, indifferent, lukewarm bride robed in the rags of worldly pleasure, self-indulgence, self-pleasing and self-serving. But I’m, coming for a bride robed in My glory, My righteousness, My love, My faith, and My power. One yoked to Me, intimate with Me, in step with Me, at one with Me. Loving what I love and hating what I hate.

Who is on My side? Who will dare to lay down his life (self-will) for Me? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” You call Me your friend – true I died for you – but you must die (death of self-will) for Me in order for Me to call you My friend. As with Abraham you must offer up your Isaacs (your goals, your ambitions, your plans, your ways of doing My “good works,” your traditions) then I will call you my friends.

Awaken Church of the Living God. Go forth and take that which is mine. Set captives free; destroy the works of the devil; take back that which you have surrendered (your intimacy with Me, your joy, your power, your first love, your holiness, your separateness, your faith, and your unity), then go forth as My army. Storm the gates of hell. Pull down strongholds that put people in bondage. Tell the enemy to “let my people go.” Then “go ye into all the world” with power, love and a sound mind and take what is Mine, saith the Lord.

“Arise shine for your light is come.” If you will receive it (the light of Christ and My word), then My glory shall be seen upon you. This will draw people – the lost, the hopeless, the down-trodden – unto Me.

Wake up Church of the Living God! Repent! For I come quickly – hasten My return, saith the Lord.